Wednesday, July 9, 2014

No One Likes Google Maps

There's a point we reach where it's not that we make a conscious choice to heal but that it happens on it's own. We can never tell a broken bone to mend or will a paper cut to close; that's impossible unless you're the kid that bent spoons from the Matrix. Our body just knows that it needs to happen, that we can't function as we were meant to with something holding us back.

The same thing can be said for the soul.

I'm always excited for Wednesdays because it's when my churches youth group meets. I have my group of 10th graders who are about to go to 11th grade (sad face), but I found out today that I get to follow them and become an 11th grade youth leader (best news ever!)(happy face). But, beyond my group of guys, I love hanging around with the senior guys and the other leaders that I have created friendships with. Wednesdays are just as exciting as Fridays.

This week, me and another leader started talking about walking our own path instead of walking God's path. We both talk about how much we love speaking and preaching God's word, so we sometimes get on the rant road and never really stop. This is what came out of it.

God can walk ahead of you or behind you, but regardless of where he ends up, you still have no control over where you're walking. Picture coming to a fork in the road with one of those wooden post signs. The sign tells you you need to go left, but your gps ( because your gps still works in places with wooden post signs ) says you need to go right. Now google maps aside, lets say you know that your GPS is correct, but you look to the wooden post and say, what if I should go left? Could my GPS (God's Perfect Sense) be wrong? Think about it! In the movies, people turn those wooden posts around all the time! I just picture an country farmer with gigantic bifocals that don't work, sticking this sign in the ground and trying to just have it point somewhere. Who knows where it's going to lead you, but you go anyway and you stick your GPS in your pocket, ignoring the lady voice saying "re-calculating! Make a U-Turn at creepy axe murderer house!"

Why did we walk that direction? Why did we make that decision? Why did we get distracted? Why did we stay in that relationship? Why did we walk back in the bar? Why did we let someone else convince us of what was important?

Because we are fearfully and wonderfully made to allow God to direct us regardless of our choices.

"This is the word that came down to Jeremiah from the Lord: Go down to the potters house, and there I will give you a message. So I went down to the potters house and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it to what seemed best to him. Then the word of the Lord came to me: Oh house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does? Declares the Lord. Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel."- Jeremiah 18:1-6

There are two different path's we take when we are presented with this choice.

1. We choose what looks the best to us. What sounds better? Chick-fila or a salad? What sounds better? A plan or an opportunity? When we begin to walk on our own, God does not walk side by side with us. That would mean that He agreed with your choice. That would mean that your decision matched up with His will.

Only 4 people in the Bible were able to successfully argue with God.
- Abraham when he pleaded for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-32)
- Moses asking God to spare the Israelites after worshiping the Golden Calf ( Exodus 32:9-14 )

I know I only listed 2, but those are the most important to this subject.

When our decisions don't match up with God's and we follow something else, I picture God following close behind, a little disappointed, but focused like the potter who is trying to reshape His pottery. In essence, we are walking in the opposite direction of where He intended us to go, but because we are generally always wrong, He follows close behind like a father to his child, reshaping the path we have taken to come to the same outcome.

2: We choose the path He wants. When we spend time in His word, our relationship with Him only gets better. The important relationships in our lives become more visible and we edify others as they do the same for us. We less hold onto relationships that decrease in value and see the purpose behind the ones that are born of love. We hear His voice and accept His plan on blind faith alone and never out of fear.

One of my favorite songs from Caedmon's Call (the one I believe God used to get to move to Dallas) goes like this: "I've done the work, Sisyphus. Thinking that I could get over this hill. But the one thing I can't get over now is the force of your will."

Sisyphus was a King in Greek mythology who tricked his way out of Hell. After being caught in his act, Zeus punished him by making him roll a boulder up a hill for eternity, only to watch the boulder roll back down each time. I also think of Jonah when I think about how we think we can somehow sneak our way past God so we can get to where we think the grass is greener. Funny thing is, when we try to snatch ourselves from that hand, we just as quickly get thrown off the boat and get spit out on dry land.

"Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord, who do their work in the darkness and think, 'Who see's us?' 'Who will know?' You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to him who formed it, 'He did not make.' Can the pot say to the potter, 'He knows nothing?'" - Isaiah 29:15-16

When we follow God's words and listen to where he wants us to go, God is no longer behind us, He walks in front of us, slowly marking the path to our destination. Wouldn't you prefer this to the 1st option. I remember as a kid when my parents were teaching me how to ride a bike, my Dad used to run behind me, holding the back of my bike seat as I peddled. I still trusted that my Dad was holding onto me, but eventually he would let go and as soon as I turned around and realized what had happened, I suddenly lost my balance and ate it on the sidewalk.

Same goes with where God is in our walk. He will either be in front or behind. Still molding the clay. I will tell you though from prior experience, that the view is so much better when the Savior has the map then when we try and blaze our own trails. The places he can show us are so much more breath-taking and fulfilling than any itinerary we can put together for the next ten years. Remember that. Get in the word and talk with your Father and watch as His plan comes to life. Experience the joy that can only come when we draw close to Jesus.

As it says in Proverbs: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understand. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Thanks for reading and God bless!


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